A dark mode for the website was implemented in https://retrospring.net/feedback/feature_requests/p/dark-theme as a custom color chooser for all modes of colors.
This is great for customisation, but I personally would just like a dark mode to make my eyes less hurt.
Because when I use it in the dark/night Retrospring is like aaaaaa to my eyes, but I don't wanna change tge theme altogether. Instead at day time I would like to continue to use a light mode. (Has better contrast e.g.) Viewed in that way it is kinda an accessibility feature too.
Furtunately there is a technical solution for that…
There is a CSS media query feature called [
](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme). It allows you to detect whether the system/user wants a dark website, so you can adjust your CSS.
Anyway, it would be great, if you could make use of it.
BTW: I also have a Firefox add-on called “Dark Mode Website Switcher” (source code) that you can use to toggle this setting in Firefox directly – without needing to change the system option. Maybe that could be helpful e.g. for debugging.